How to increase awareness of employees’ in the cybersecurity sector?


Recent years and many cases of hacker attacks and data leaks leaks have forced us to become interested in the issue of ochrony and increasing security in organisations. It has long been known that most hacker attacks or threats are caused by human mistakes. People are the weakest link in any company. The organization’s task is to increase awareness of employees’ in the cybersecurity sector.This is one of the most effective ways to protect your business from a potential hacker attack. How to do it?

Training, training and more training!

Conducting trainingor workshops,that will help employees understand the realities of cyber threats is the first point that an organization must meet to increase awareness among colleagues. Important!This training must be conducted on a regular basis and employees should know the reason for it. Only then the training will make sense.

Let's give employees an example from management team!

It's easier for us to execute commands, as we can see the example from management - it's quite obvious. For this reason, people managing the company should set an example in terms of compliance with the rules that increase cybersecurity in the organization.

Implementation of a simple security policy!

Each of us prefers clear, short messages to long rules, especially when it comes to following any rules. That is why it is worth ensuring that clear rules regarding the use of devices and IT systems in the enterprise are defined.

We must remember that it is employees who are the first line of defense against cyber attacks.Employees who are aware of potential threats and riskare able to identify and prevent attacks. Raising awareness among employees also protects the company from financial losses. Hacker attacks can have serious financial consequences for businesses, such as data loss, identity theft or business downtime. It is worth taking care of the knowledge of your employees in this matter, no one wants to be a victim of a data leak or hacker attack 😉

About author

Artur Więckowski


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